Correction for Feb. 22

  • A Feb. 16 column about a House of Commons vote pertaining to the federal government and the notwithstanding clause, incorrectly stated that Ontario Conservative MP Alex Ruff, who represents Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, hadn’t shown up for the vote. Ruff did not vote because he was paired with a Liberal MP, a process by which MPs who cannot vote are joined with a member of another party to ensure the tally of the vote is not affected.
  • A Feb. 22 column about transit crime in Chicago misstated the location of Chicago Transit Authority’s Garfield subway station relative to the south side of the city. The station is on the Red Line, not the Blue line as stated.
  • A Feb. 22 opinion column on Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s approach to the media, had an incorrect name for the Nieman Lab. It is not a school, as reported, but rather a centre at Harvard University where journalists do research and write on issues impacting journalism.

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