"Jungle Cruise" co-stars Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt reunited for a goofy moment at the Oscars, and many fans were on board for it.
Posing for a picture backstage at Sunday's award ceremony, the hulking action star took a seat on the "Mary Poppins Returns" actor's lap.
Johnson, aka The Rock, cocked an eyebrow in his peach silk tuxedo jacket, while Blunt mugged for the camera in her white Valentino dress.
The Oscars posted a photo of the pair's playful pose to their Twitter account on March 12, prompting a big response from fans.
“A casual moment backstage between Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson,” the caption said.
One Twitter user pointed out the resemblance to a scene in the 2003 movie "Elf," where a giant Will Ferrell sat on tiny Bob Newhart's lap.
"Love this completely random photo/tweet in the middle of all the official nominees. Need more of this," another fan said.
The duo presented the award for best animated feature. Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio" was the category's winner.
Johnson, 50, and Blunt, 40, had reportedly never met before their roles in Disney's "Jungle Cruise," which came out in 2021.
But Johnson thought Blunt would be perfect for the movie, and he even sent her a heartfelt video as a persuasion tactic, he told The Hollywood Reporter in 2021.
“I must have shot it about five or six times because I had not communicated with Emily yet,” Johnson told THR. “I had not even met her. And I wanted to let her know via this video just how important she was to this movie and how I only wanted her in this movie."
Speaking to Parade in 2021, the actress remarked she had imagined Johnson to be a "larger-than-life person with a personality to match," and was surprised to learn she was wrong.
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