24 Sussex Drive is empty but the utility bills are still soaring

As Canada struggles to reduce carbon emissions, the country’s most famous house — 24 Sussex Drive — is guzzling energy, even though it is vacant.

Nobody lives there and nobody works there, but the house continues to run up sky-high bills for heat, hydro and water — thanks in large part to Pierre Trudeau’s indoor swimming pool and sauna.

New information from an access to information request shows that in January, the vacant building had more than $8,000 in utilities bills. No one has lived in the official residence of prime ministers since the Harpers left in 2015.

Until recently, staff from the Prime Minister’s Office were still using some of the building as office space in the daytime.

Last winter, the home had monthly hydro bills in the $6,000 to $7,000 range, on top of gas bills of around $2,000.
But that changed this fall. The PMO moved everyone out in preparation for major repairs and upgrades scheduled for this spring. By the end of December, no one was living or working in the house. (There are two guards huts, still staffed.)

However the costs of running No. 24 did not drop far once the staff moved out.

Our access to information request shows that from Dec. 31 to Jan. 31, taxpayers spent $4,947 on hydro for the old house. (The December hydro bill, before everyone moved out, was $6,710.)

They spent another $3,153 on gas in January, and $568 for water, which is billed over two months.

The continuing high bills illustrate how achieving Canada’s climate goals may be much harder than people think, said Tom Adams, a veteran energy analyst.

“It’s easy to sign a piece of paper” committing the country to progress, he said. But older buildings are hard to modernize, and they last a long time.

“Five grand!” he said of the hydro bill. “You can’t spend $5,000 for electricity on lighting.”

He suspects there’s a patchwork of heating systems — a gas furnace backed up by electric heaters in rooms where the regular heating system isn’t enough, for instance, or for rooms that are extra chilly, plus pool heating.

“One (possible) explanation for these spectacular bills is simply that the NCC forgot to turn down the thermostat. They’re just running the place as though it’s going to be filled with people,” he said.

Kamran Siddiqui, a mechanical engineering professor at Western University, said the age and inefficiency of the house would increase gas consumption, but should have little effect on hydro usage.

He said, however, that hydro use would be higher if the electricity is being used for heating — either for supplementary electric heaters in chilly parts of the house, or for heating the pool. Heating water, he said, requires more energy than heating air.

So, who’s using the pool and sauna?

The NCC referred the question to the Privy Council Office.
The PCO referred it to the Prime Minister’s Office. The PMO did not respond to the question, asked last week.

The house has 34 rooms and covers approximately 1,115 square meters (12,000 square feet). It is notoriously drafty and inefficient. News media who visited there during the Harper years noticed ice on the insides of windows.

The pool and sauna house was built in 1975, paid for by anonymous private donors. But upkeep was left to taxpayers.

Meanwhile the NCC says repairs will continue. It says work this spring “will include the abatement of designated substances such as asbestos, as well as the removal of obsolete mechanical, heating and electrical systems.”

The commission has long said the old home is in such disrepair that eventually it must either be torn down and replaced or renovated from top to bottom. But this spring’s work is so urgent that it “must be completed regardless of any future decision on the residence.”

It says there are “matters of great concern such as potential fire hazards, water damage and air quality issues.”

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