Space rookie Jeremy Hansen named as first Canadian astronaut to orbit the moon

The first non-American to orbit the moon will be Canada’s Jeremy Hansen. On Monday, NASA and the Canadian Space Agency jointly announced the crew of Artemis 2, which will return humans to the lunar region for the first time since the Apollo program wound down, more than 50 years ago. The event took place at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

The crew will consist of four astronauts – Americans Christina H. Koch, Victor Glover and Reid Wiseman, and Canadian Jeremy Hansen. The trip, slated for launch late next year, will also bring the first woman and the first person of colour to the moon. (All 24 Apollo astronauts who orbited or walked on the moon were white men.) Wiseman will command the mission, with Glover as pilot, and Koch and Hansen as mission specialists.

Speaking to the National Post after the announcement, Hansen said that, for all the science and discovery that will take place over the roughly 10-day mission, he’s most looking forward to looking back at his home world.

“Staring back at the Earth,” he said, will be a personal priority. “We’ll spend some time in low-Earth orbit, then high-Earth orbit, checking things out.” The Orion capsule will then travel beyond the moon’s far side as it orbits Earth’s satellite.” I’ll have an opportunity to look past the moon at our planet hanging in space. I have this inspiration about this thought.”

He added that, while he hasn’t yet made a packing list, “some of the most meaningful things will be taking something from my family. They’re a huge part of this mission. Recognizing them will be important.” He also wants to pay tribute to the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, which he joined at age 12, and to Canada’s military and the Canadian Space Agency.

“Canada has really pulled through,” the 47-year-old added. “It’s so important for me that Canadians feel ownership and pride in this mission. It was thousands of people who have made this a possibility.”

François-Philippe Champagne, minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, was also on hand for the morning announcement. “This is about more than just going back to the moon,” he told the crowd. “This is about investing in the future. This is about possibilities. This is about seizing the opportunities of the space economy, from health and food security to climate change and much more.”

Hansen added: “A Canadian is going to the moon with our international partnership and it is glorious. We are going to the moon together. Let’s go!”

Hansen will be the only crew member not to have flown in space before the Artemis 2 flight; his three colleagues have all spent time aboard the International Space Station. This is not as unusual as it might sound — during the Apollo era, two of the three astronauts on most missions to the moon were on their first trip into space. Apollo 14 featured new fliers Ed Mitchell and Stu Roosa, as well as Alan Shepard, who had previously spent all of 15 minutes in space on Freedom 7, America’s first manned launch.

“It doesn’t feel any different,” he told the National Post of being the lone rookie. “It feels like my path. This is how it all played out.”

He added: “It would be tough to be going with four rookies so I’m grateful for their experience.”

Artemis 2 will be similar to the flight of Apollo 8, which sent astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders — all still living — on humanity’s first trip around the moon in 1968. Hansen has met the crew of Apollo 8 in the past — ” the astronaut community is relatively small so we do see these people on a regular basis.” But he noted that, with his own lunar orbital mission coming up: ” I think the conversation will be different.”

The following mission, Artemis 3, plans to land the first woman and the first person of colour on the moon, likely near Shackleton Crater at the south pole. It will be the first time humans have walked on the surface since the departure of Apollo 17 in December 1972.

The flights build on the success of Artemis 1, which last year sent an uncrewed capsule on a 25-day, 2.1-million km journey into lunar orbit and back to Earth, landing in the Pacific Ocean off the coast on Mexico on Dec. 11.

Canada has one additional guaranteed spot on future Artemis crew assignments, meaning a Canadian might also become the first non-American to set foot on the moon. This is in part due to our country’s continuing involvement in space.

The most recent federal budget last month included $1.1-billion to continuing participating in the International Space Station until at least 2030; $1.2-billion to develop a lunar utility vehicle to assist astronauts on the moon; and $76.5-million to support Canadian science on the Lunar Gateway station, a planned space station that will orbit the moon and serve as a hub for future landings.

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