Trudeau's 'ultimate gatekeeper': All you need to know about Katie Telford

Katie Telford, the prime minister’s longtime chief of staff, appeared before a parliamentary committee on Friday to testify on the issue of foreign interference in Canadian elections.

The committee has been looking into the issue following recent media reports alleging China tried to meddle in the 2019 and 2021 elections.

Read about Katie Telford’s testimony

The Liberals originally attempted to block Telford’s testimony by filibustering the parliamentary committee for several meetings before Telford agreed to appear.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, whose party agreed to back the Liberal minority government until June 2025 after signing a confidence-and-supply agreement last March, said his party would have supported a Conservative motion to call Telford to testify if the government hadn’t voluntarily agreed.

Within the next month, Telford will become the longest-serving chief of staff to any Canadian prime minister. She has maintained a low public profile, save for the occasional peek into her work and life shared on social media.

Speaking in the House of Commons last month, Conservative MP Raquel Dancho referred to Telford as “one of the most powerful women in this country.”

“Katie Telford has been the right-hand person to the prime minister since he started his political career. All through his election as a Liberal leader in 2013, and through his winning election campaigns in 2015, 2019 and 2021. She has been his ultimate gatekeeper, which is what a chief of staff is, for all of that time,” said Dancho.

She later added that Telford is the “one who decides the political filter of messaging that goes out and the information that gets to the prime minister.”

Friday wasn’t the first time Telford has appeared before a parliamentary committee.

Telford previously testified about sexual misconduct in the Canadian military, as well as the 2020 WE Charity controversy.

“There were no worries there, but testifying about what the PM knew about Beijing’s interference in our elections is off limits,” Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman said in the House last month. “The PM’s chief of staff has appeared at parliamentary committees on numerous occasions to answer questions. She ran the campaign. She is campaign staff. What is the difference this time?”

Telford, who is from Toronto, first stepped into the world of politics at age 12, when she worked as a page in the Ontario Legislature, Queen’s Park, for several weeks during the first budget from then-NDP Premier Bob Rae’s government.

Telford went on to study political science at the University of Ottawa and reignited the school’s debate club, becoming president and leading the team to a world championship event in Glasgow, Scotland.

It was during that era that she met Gerald Butts, a member of a two-time national championship debating team from McGill in the ’90s and Trudeau’s principal secretary from 2015 to 2019.

The two later worked closely together at Queen’s Park, where Butts was a member of then-opposition leader Dalton McGuinty’s staff and Telford was a senior assistant to Gerard Kennedy, according to the Ottawa Citizen. Just before her 26th birthday, Telford was appointed Kennedy’s chief of staff, following McGuinty’s 2003 election win.

In 2012, Butts called Telford and told her that Trudeau was thinking about running for federal leadership. She agreed to run his campaign and has been by his side ever since.

In his 2014 book Common Ground, Trudeau praised Telford as “hard-working, tough, honest, and wicked smart,” and part of the “core” of his inner circle.

Telford herself offered some insight into her daily work in a 2013 YouTube video, since made private, that noted that the first thing she does in the morning is check an Excel spreadsheet that tracks Liberal party donations and membership numbers.

“I love the numbers because they don’t lie,” she said, via Huffington Post.

Butts, for his part, told the Ottawa Citizen in 2015 that one thing that separates Telford from others is her “amazing ability to intuitively separate the transient from the important.”

“She does not get fazed by anything,” Butts said. “She’s got very strong nerves and she’ll be one of the people who keeps their head while everybody else loses it.”

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