Aidan returns to Carrie in ‘And Just Like That.’ But he’s not the nice guy who got away — he’s the worst

Earlier this week, the television gods bestowed upon us a new trailer for ‘And Just Like That,’ bringing with it a shocking revelation that had been hinted at in pap snaps from the New York City set: Aidan Shaw, Carrie Bradshaw’s former fiancé, has returned.

Played by John Corbett with unparalleled warmth and charm, Aidan is the (mostly) beloved ‘Sex and the City’boyfriend who Carrie lost — twice. After Carrie cheated on Aidan in season three with a married Mr. Big (Chris Noth), the pair reconciled in season four but then broke off their engagement. Later, we learned that Aidan moved on and has a son named Tate. (While he appears for a few scenes in the second ‘Sex and the City’ feature film, that is not to be spoken of because that movie was an abomination.)

On the surface, Aidan’s upcoming comeback may seem triumphant. The antithesis of Mr. Big, who was arguably a ’90s-era Trump stand-in, Aidan is a salt-of-the-earth furniture maker who, instead of sleeping with Carrie after a handful of dates, drew them a bath to establish more intimacy. He had a dog named Pete, embraced public displays of affection, and delivered almost every line with an earnestness rare among the ‘Sex and the City’ canon of men. He owned a cabin, he wore rings. He liked his parents and wanted Carrie to meet them. He is the definition of a good guy.

Except that he’s not.

LI-AIDAN-RETURNS-TO-CARRIE Aidan returns to Carrie in 'And Just lIke That.'<br/><br/> Uploaded by: sheen, rani

Aidan is nice, but his niceness masks the behaviour of a man who is unable to accept his partner as an inherently flawed and complex human being. While you could chalk up his aversion to Carrie’s penchant for cigarettes to a sweet concern for her health, his demand that she quit smoking laid the groundwork for a season spent trying to mould her into somebody she wasn’t. After their reconciliation, Aidan harboured a vendetta: he slapped a nicotine patch on Carrie’s arm, which physically hurt her. His apology was half-hearted at best.

Aidan hesitated to trust Carrie again, and instead of simply ending things, he ran her through an emotional gauntlet in which she had to prove her dedication. He tested her discomfort in almost every fourth season episode: he brought her to his remote cabin in the woods, ignoring her aversion to the great outdoors. He moved into her apartment and demanded she clean out her treasured closet. When he proposed to her, corralling her into a role she never wanted, he pressured her into showing off her engagement ring, guilting her for preferring to wear it as a necklace. He admitted that he hadn’t forgiven her, and never really would.

Aidan’s broken heart was understandable, as was his anger and distrust. But in his reconciliation with Carrie and eventual pursual of marriage, he revealed an inherent need to win; to publicly claim her as his own after believing he’d lost her to another man. Carrie hurt him, but Aidan behaved like someone who’d rather seek revenge than pursue his own happiness. His actions were dictated by the need to get even, to prove his own worth.

LI-AIDAN-RETURNS-TO-CARRIE Aidan returns to Carrie in 'And Just lIke That.'<br/><br/> Uploaded by: sheen, rani

By heralding Aidan’s reappearance in ‘And Just Like That’ as the return of some table-building white knight, we’re overlooking the series’ inherent message: that true love is found in the relationship found with one’s self.

We have no real context yet for the updated dynamic between Carrie and Aidan. She’s been married and widowed, and is navigating her new life with the hindsight of a woman who’s endured serious emotional trauma. Aidan may have grown and changed, too. We don’t know what kind of dad he’s become, or the circumstances between him and Tate’s mother (they could still be together, for all we know). Their shared scenes might be a gateway into an authentic reconnection as they consciously avoid the mistakes they’ve made before, and we might be greeted by a man who’s shed the need to sculpt women in his own image, instead of celebrating the people they are.

But Aidan is not the one who got away. Carrie’s life would not have been better had she gone through with their cursed engagement, nor can he rescue her from her state of grief. Instead, he is a relic of her past. Whether he fits into her future remains to be seen.

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