Randall Denley: Don't expect the feds or province to come to Toronto's rescue this time

Toronto mayor-elect Olivia Chow has promised a “modest” tax increase. Unfortunately for Torontonians, even something an NDPer would call modest won’t be enough to get the city out of the financial hole it’s in.

Toronto has a budget deficit of nearly $1.4 billion on total operating spending of $16.16 billion. By law, it must balance its books each year. That deficit consists of $454 million from 2022, which must be paid off, and an anticipated $933 million for this year.  The city says the money is required to cover continuing pandemic-related costs for transit, public health, shelters, supportive housing and refugee response.

Plan A for Toronto has been to demand big fat cheques from the federal and provincial governments. Toronto municipal politicians seem to be under the mistaken impression that taxpayers across the province, even across the country, should make up their budget shortfalls.

That plan isn’t going so well. During the pandemic, the provincial government did give Toronto $3.4 billion to help pay for pandemic costs. The most recent part of that was $235 million to help pare the 2022 deficit down to $454 million. The province hasn’t expressed the slightest interest in giving more.

The federal government has sent Toronto $915 million for COVID costs over the course of the pandemic and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had earlier promised to cover pandemic costs. The city expects the feds to match Ontario’s $235 million contribution, but the money wasn’t in the federal budget and Wednesday, Trudeau said the city should go ask the province for more. Thursday, Ontario Premier Doug Ford scoffed at that idea.

At this point, it’s fair to assume that Torontonians will have to deal with their budget problem on their own. In the short-term that’s possible without a tax increase. Some capital projects were delayed in 2022 and the money for others was put into a reserve. That leaves the city in a position to eliminate its 2022 deficit without picking the pockets of taxpayers elsewhere.

This year poses a much larger problem, but despite all the handwringing, Toronto has a pandemic reserve fund that will be sufficient to cover the 2023 shortfall. It does take a bit of cheek to ask for help from other governments when the city has already set aside money specifically to cover the problem.

Torontonians can afford to get out of their current hole, but next year is another story. When the new mayor sits down to craft her first budget, she will be looking at another monster shortfall. City staff put the number between $1.465 billion and $1.672 billion. They say about half of those costs are related to COVID-19 impacts, which will apparently continue for eternity.

To put that problem in context, a one per cent property tax increase will generate about $40 million. A tax increase of about 35 per cent would almost solve the deficit problem, but any politician who proposes that might just as well light themselves on fire.

Toronto councillors and their new mayor will have to find something to cut, but they will need to raise taxes, too, and without the pay-off of new and better services. In fact, they will have to make services worse. City staff estimate that the ridership shortfall for the TTC will cost between $350 million and $420 million next year. They continue to blame it on the pandemic, but the fact is that property taxpayers can’t afford to subsidize unused transit service and the other two levels of government won’t bail the city out again.

Before the rest of the province starts to feel sorry for those poor folks in Toronto, it’s important to remember that the city has a tax advantages no other Ontario municipality has.

While Toronto is pleading poverty, it is the only city allowed to charge a land transfer tax. That’s on top of the provincial land transfer tax. It’s something to remember when politicians pretend to care about the high cost of housing. This year, the city tax is expected to bring in about $950 million.

Toronto property taxes might not seem low, especially after a seven per cent increase this year, but the city’s tax rate is still lower than any municipality in the GTA, except Markham.  Torontonians are not being hit by rapidly inflating house prices, either. Ontario’s property taxes are still based on 2016 values.

Property taxes in Toronto cover just 30.4 per cent of the operating budget. In Ottawa, the province’s second-largest city, property taxes provide 46.1 per cent of revenue.

When it comes to property taxes, Torontonians have had a good run for a long time.  Now, the party’s over and they’re going to have to pick up the tab.

Randall Denley is an Ottawa journalist, author and former Ontario PC candidate. Contact him at randalldenley1@gmail.com

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