Scott Stinson: Another Calgary Flames arena proposal that looks especially good for the Calgary Flames

Faced with gloomy prospects in Calgary in the upcoming provincial election, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has posed a question to the city’s residents that she figures she can’t lose.

Do you like hockey?

Smith, apparently unable to figure out how to pledge $300 million to puppies or chocolate, has instead landed on donating that chunk of taxpayer money to the Calgary Flames, greasing the wheels for another arena plan to replace the creaky Saddledome.

Normally when vast sums of public funds are earmarked for the construction of a stadium to the benefit of the billionaire owner(s) of a sports franchise, it’s easy to contrast the proposal to similar ventures in other cities, because so many owners manage to pull off this trick. This is the rare case when the proposal for Calgary looks worse compared just to the previous proposal for Calgary.

Four years ago, the plan was for a $550-million arena, with the costs split between Calgary and the Flames ownership group, Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation. The proposal unveiled on Tuesday calls for a $1.2 billion project, including a practice facility that would also have public use, next to the NHL arena. Municipal taxpayers would cover $537 million. CSEC would pay $356 million. The province, which notably did not contribute to the construction of Edmonton’s Rogers Place, would cover the rest. Smith, with all the subtlety of a slash to the back of the legs, noted that Alberta’s part of the deal would be confirmed after the re-election of her United Conservative Party at the end of next month. (She was also wearing a Flames jersey at the press conference, which provides a useful image for opposition politicians in the Edmonton area.)

The whole thing is breathtaking in its shamelessness. In its last iteration, the Flames and the city announced Saddledome 2.0 in 2019 a week before council’s summer break, aiming for a quick approval and a minimum of scrutiny. This was in part because a previous arena plan, announced four years before that and which would have included a football stadium as part of a $900 million redevelopment of the city’s West Village area, fell apart when further study discovered that the total costs were more than double the original estimates. Even the scaled-down 2019 plan ultimately ran aground on the shoals of pesky detail, when the city and Flames ownership couldn’t agree on how to cover cost overruns.

And so now it is on to Saddledome 3.0, this time with the city’s outlay having almost doubled, the province finding money it had never promised before, and Flames ownership, including billionaire majority owner Murray Edwards, modestly increasing its proposed spend from the last plan, having been rescued by an election campaign in which the Premier is facing a stiff challenge from Rachel Notley’s NDP, which happens to be most popular in Calgary. Funny, that.

Smith was careful on Tuesday to say that the provincial contribution is not specifically for the hockey arena, but for infrastructure in the surrounding area, to avoid the wrath of politicians like, er, Danielle Smith, who once opposed public funding for a fancy hockey arena. But this is a meaningless distinction. Alberta taxpayers would be providing $300-million to the new home of the Flames, regardless of whether that money is buying the red seats, the Zamboni’s parking spot or the highway-access ramps that are part of the building’s construction.

Edwards and his partners have played a long game here. It’s been almost six years since Brian Burke, then the Flames’ head of hockey operations, grumpily mused about a possible franchise relocation — “you don’t think we could find a place to go?” — if a favourable arena deal couldn’t be found in Calgary. Burke hasn’t just left the Flames since then, he’s been hired and fired by another team. But his implicit threat lives on, which is always part of the calculus for these deals. If you don’t give the local team hundreds of millions of dollars to make it easier for them to build an arena, who’s to say some other city won’t come along with a wink and a bagful of money? Just last week, a developer in suburban Atlanta proposed a multi-billion-dollar project with an NHL-ready arena as a tenant. Atlanta … didn’t they have a hockey team once (or twice) that moved to the Canadian prairies?

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman did his part on Tuesday, offering a statement of support for the new building and noting that with a new facility in place, Calgary would again be in the mix for events like the All-Star Game and the NHL Draft. Is that a promise, or a threat? Have you seen an All-Star Game lately? On the list of good uses of taxpayer money, using it to lure an NHL All-Star Game to your city ranks slightly above setting it on fire.

I’m curious to see what Calgarians (and Albertans as a whole) make of all this. All the reasons to be skeptical of the New Saddledome deal remain, especially the part about a massive subsidy of a privately held business, but including the new wrinkle where the entire province kicks in because there is an election in the offing. And since the right mix of motivated politicians are now in place, the Flames’ owners get an even better deal than those that have failed before.

It turns out that all they had to do was rag the puck a little longer.

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