What a Four-Day Work Week Would Mean for Women

The four-day work week could have benefits for employers and workers, in particular women.

Picture this: It’s a Friday, and you’ve got the whole day to yourself. No meetings, no spreadsheets, no commute: Just unfettered hours to do all the things that you work the rest of the week to be able to afford. Maybe that’s a blissful solo cappuccino in a cafe, practicing with your New Wave Ska band, or finishing an essay for that continuing education course you’re doing. Perhaps you’ll see a friend later, walk the long way round to do school pick up, or just stay right there in your favourite chair. The choice — and this is crucial — is entirely yours.

Right now, this might be a halcyon fantasy of a rare personal day off that you’re not sacrificing to a dentist appointment or PA day. But with the four-day work week it could be a reality, and it could be a particular paradise for women.

The idea of the four-day work week is essentially that your employer drops the fifth working day for everyone but your salary stays the same. It’s a concept that’s gaining traction and buzz in the wake of seismic shifts like the rise of remote and hybrid work, the Great Resignation and its less impulsive cousin, Quiet Quitting, and a burnout epidemic exacerbated by stressors like inflation and global uncertainty.

Emerging evidence seems to show that a four-day work week is win-win for employers and employees alike: Productivity goes up, and so does employee well-being. A 2022 pilot program mega-study tracked 33 companies with reduced working hours and found that overall, employees were more satisfied with their work-life balance, experienced less burnout, and company revenues actually increased.

This, of course, sounds great for everyone, but research suggests that it’s particularly advantageous for women. A new study from Work Time Reduction, a group that works with organizations worldwide to help them implement shorter work weeks, found that working fewer hours meant that men spent more time parenting — in fact, double the additional time women did.

“Early indicators are showing that [a four-day work week] is simply transformational for households,” says Grace Tallon, director of operations for WTR. “When both people are on a shorter week, women are able to enter the workforce, maybe for the first time, because they’re both able to manage their child.”

It’s not just parents who benefit. “For people looking after their own parents, those duties so often fall to women,” Tallon says. Think of all the sisters who take on the brunt of nursing a frail father, the daughters-in-law who faithfully look after their frail mothers-in-law.

Some companies make compromises, like promising certain employees “flexible” working hours where they can work fewer hours or days. But this can have pitfalls. Not least the, “I’m so sorry, I’m not in on Fridays so I can’t make that meeting” dance where you find yourself endlessly apologizing for your “special” working hours. “How many working mothers do you know that work a four-day week and end up doing the same amount of work as their male counterparts but getting less pay?” asks Tallon. “We’ve been watching women do this for years.” She notes that it’s rare for men who are parents to reduce their working hours in a similar fashion.

It’s likely that women’s career progression may stall in this kind of arrangement, further entrenching gender inequities like the pay gap and representation in senior leadership roles. “You’re not going to put yourself forward for a leadership position if you’re barely able to juggle what you have going on now,” says Tallon.

Women working less, going part-time or leaving the workforce entirely, to take care of others is hardly a new phenomenon. But more recently we’ve seen this decision framed in a narrative of burnout. Women who are financially able to are increasingly “opting out” of the workplace, choosing instead to focus on their families or pursue less high-profile or demanding working arrangements. You sacrifice your career, and everything that goes with that, but you gain, in theory, a life.

A four-day work week eliminates that stark binary. It creates a level playing field, eliminating so many of the penalties that women who’ve previously chosen to work less have faced. “It’s incumbent on organizations to create an environment that allows everybody to succeed, says Tallon. Forget the “how to lean in” seminars and International Women’s Day social media posts. “I do feel that genuine work time reduction for everybody is going to be more transformative than any policy that they have on the table.”

Tied into this transformation is what people do with their new-found time when they’re not working. One side effect of all of us having more spare time could be increased community involvement. If we were able to attend more local council meetings, for example, what changes could we see in our neighbourhoods? If we spent more time in our neighbourhoods, getting to know the people who live near us, how much happier and more connected could we be? If we had bandwidth to get involved in campaigning for a cause, could we contribute to a social revolution that makes the world a better place for everyone?

It doesn’t have to be that productive, though. “A huge part of the conversation around a reduced working week is about rest,” says Tallon, a musician who uses her free time getting lost in a score. You might finally join that volunteer group, or work on your macrame side hustle, but doing nothing is valuable too.

Reducing work hours isn’t a one size fits all solution. The commonly cited Fridays-off model only works in specific situations, usually white-collar office jobs. That said, Tallon has seen hospitality businesses use creative rostering and time-saving ideas like reducing the distance from the kitchen to the table to enable shorter shifts. More creative solutions will be necessary in workplaces like schools or health care, where incidentally women represent large portions of the workforce. And without careful thought, consultation and planning, a structure that’s good for one group of people could disadvantage others in unforeseen ways.

This has the potential to deepen inequity. As Sarah Saska, co-founder and CEO of DEI consulting firm Feminuity, points out, most trials have been run on workers sitting in front of computers in the knowledge economy, which carries an inherent privilege. She feels the research thus far lacks an intersectional framework that breaks down who really benefits from, say, a four-day work week. “Which women? Senior women that are established?” she asks. “I can guarantee you it’s not women on the front-line who don’t have all the support around them to even be able to maximize this time.”

Saska has witnessed several clients experimenting with a four-day work week, and one issue she’s noticed come up repeatedly is the notion of “forced flexibility.” So sure, a working parent has an extra day off, but it’s not particularly helpful because what they really need is a model where they can leave every day at 3:30 for school pickup, or to take days off during March break when kids aren’t in daycare. “If organizations aren’t actually working with their people to determine what that model is going to look like, and how it’s implemented, that’s where it can really fall apart,” says Saska.

She’s also observed that women seem to be getting less mentorship and sponsorship within organizations trialling shorter working hours. “They have less access to senior leadership and networks because folks are saying, we have to get through the same amount of work in fewer days, and they’re looking for low-hanging fruit they can cut,” Saska explains. “Often, that’s meetings, which is not a bad thing, but fewer meetings can also mean less opportunities for women to build bridges within organizations.”

Conceptually, Saska agrees that working less can only be a good thing. “Humans were not meant to be capitalist machines where our worth is equated to how much we can work,” she says. “But where it gets complicated is when you look at people who might have different disabilities that need different accommodations, and might work at different rates. We need to be looking at how we’re evaluating people’s performance.” It’s not an impossible challenge — in this scenario, it might mean readjusting expectations of a person’s output based on the new reduced hours working model and not penalizing them for it — but it would require, once again, employers to work with their employees. And it leads to bigger, non-starter conversations about, say, reducing sales targets or dialing back fiscal year goals. “If we could tone those down a notch, then everyone could ease up and we wouldn’t need to have these conversations at all,” she says.

While a four-day work week might not be a perfect solution, it could get us moving toward a transformative shift for women, and society as large. “It allows for a redesign, a reset of how we do things, at home and in work,” Tallon says. Or at least free up some time to start thinking about it.

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